I am a compassionate conservative, with a family that looks like many Arizonans, a Hispanic wife, and multicultural children. We are obligated to secure our borders for the protection of our citizens and national security. Immigration modernization is a vital issue that needs to be addressed because many are seeking a better life for themselves and their families. These two concerns should be balanced in order to create a secure, efficient, and common-sense immigration system. As a result of our broken system, millions of migrants have been forced to live in the shadows.
We must find a fair and reasonable way to address those that are here. We need a robust guest worker system that supports our vital industries. Our modernized system has to address all our immigration issues, secure our country, provide critical resources for industry and is effective and efficient for all.
Soy un conservador compasivo, con una familia que se parece a muchos arizonenses, una esposa hispana y hijos multiculturales. Estamos obligados a asegurar nuestras fronteras para la protección de nuestros ciudadanos y la seguridad nacional. La modernización de la inmigración es un tema vital que debe abordarse porque muchos buscan una vida mejor para ellos y sus familias. Estas dos preocupaciones deben equilibrarse para crear un sistema de inmigración seguro, eficiente y sensato. Como resultado de nuestro sistema roto, millones de migrantes se han visto obligados a vivir en las sombras.
Debemos encontrar una forma justa y razonable de abordar a quienes ya están aquí. Necesitamos un sólido sistema de trabajadores temporales que respalde nuestras industrias vitales. Nuestro sistema modernizado debe abordar todos nuestros problemas de inmigración, asegurar nuestro país, proporcionar recursos críticos para la industria y ser efectivo y eficiente para todos.
Ensuring water rights in the western United States is a critical issue that requires a careful balance of economic development, environmental protection, and respect for private property rights. I support an “all of the above '' approach to ensure Arizona and our western states have the water they need for generations to come.
“All of the above” approaches include working with others to have conversations on common-sense solutions, such as water desalination, piping water from other regions, and investing in vital technology improvements and development. Water desalination is a proven and reliable solution used around the world that would create economic growth opportunities and high wage jobs. Water piping is utilized around the world and has the benefit of creating hydropower along the route if done properly. Our current water support technologies are antiquated and require modernization.
Garantizar los derechos del agua en el oeste de Estados Unidos es un tema crítico que requiere un equilibrio cuidadoso entre el desarrollo económico, la protección ambiental y el respeto por los derechos de propiedad privada. Apoyo un enfoque de "todo lo anterior" para asegurar que Arizona y nuestros estados del oeste tengan el agua que necesitan para las generaciones futuras.
Los enfoques de "todo lo anterior" incluyen trabajar con otros para tener conversaciones sobre soluciones sensatas, como la desalinización del agua, el trasvase de agua desde otras regiones e invertir en mejoras y desarrollo tecnológico esencial. La desalinización del agua es una solución probada y confiable utilizada en todo el mundo que crearía oportunidades de crecimiento económico y empleos con salarios altos. El trasvase de agua se utiliza en todo el mundo y tiene el beneficio de crear energía hidroeléctrica a lo largo de la ruta si se hace correctamente. Nuestras tecnologías actuales de apoyo al agua están anticuadas y requieren modernización.
After graduating from high school, I joined the United States Marine Corps. I learned the power of working with others to accomplish a common mission. I live my life by the Marine motto of Semper Fidelis, which is Latin for “always faithful” or “always loyal.”
It is my firm conviction that we owe our veterans everything. There was a time in each veteran’s life when they signed a blank check to Uncle Sam. It is that unconditional commitment to the United States of America that deserves the same commitment in return.
Too often our veterans returning from service have been exposed to traumatic experiences and often develop PTSD, which can lead to devastating outcomes such as homelessness and even suicide. The system can be too difficult to navigate, which slows vital support and care. Our Nation’s finest deserve better.
The best help for veterans is in their local community and the Federal government can and must partner with local communities to get veterans the services and the help they need.
Después de graduarme de la escuela secundaria, me uní al Cuerpo de Marines de los Estados Unidos. Aprendí el poder de trabajar con otros para lograr una misión común. Vivo mi vida según el lema de los Marines: Semper Fidelis, que en latín significa "siempre fiel" o "siempre leal".
Es mi firme convicción que debemos todo a nuestros veteranos. Hubo un momento en la vida de cada veterano en el que firmaron un cheque en blanco para el Tío Sam. Es ese compromiso incondicional con los Estados Unidos de América el que merece el mismo compromiso a cambio.
Con demasiada frecuencia, nuestros veteranos que regresan del servicio han estado expuestos a experiencias traumáticas y a menudo desarrollan PTSD, lo que puede llevar a resultados devastadores como la falta de vivienda e incluso el suicidio. El sistema puede ser demasiado difícil de navegar, lo que ralentiza el apoyo y la atención vitales. Los mejores de nuestra nación merecen algo mejor.
La mejor ayuda para los veteranos está en su comunidad local y el gobierno federal puede y debe asociarse con las comunidades locales para brindar a los veteranos los servicios y la ayuda que necesitan.Note: The translation provided ensures that the original tone, nuance, and context are retained, reflecting deep linguistic knowledge and cultural awareness.
We all see the crises in cities like San Francisco, D.C., Philadelphia and Chicago where bad public policy has created an unsustainable situation for families, businesses, and their local communities. As a law-and-order conservative, I believe that it is essential to address the issue of crime and homelessness in our society. I believe that crime and homelessness are closely linked and that we must take strong action to combat both. This includes increasing funding for law enforcement and providing more resources to our police and other first responders. I also support stiffer penalties for those who commit hard crimes, especially repeat offenders.
But without addressing the rapidly growing issues of mental health; identification, treatment, and access to care, the above issues will only continue to grow. We must provide more resources for mental health services and addiction treatment programs to help those who are struggling with these issues. We should incentivize those who seek to work in the mental health industry as we are grossly understaffed and short on resources. I believe a healthy society shows compassion for those who are struggling, and mental health is no exception.
Todos vemos las crisis en ciudades como San Francisco, D.C., Filadelfia y Chicago, donde una mala política pública ha creado una situación insostenible para las familias, las empresas y sus comunidades locales. Como conservador defensor del orden y la ley, creo que es esencial abordar el problema del crimen y la falta de vivienda en nuestra sociedad. Creo que el crimen y la falta de vivienda están estrechamente vinculados y que debemos tomar medidas firmes para combatir ambos. Esto incluye aumentar la financiación para la aplicación de la ley y proporcionar más recursos a nuestra policía y otros primeros respondedores. También apoyo penas más severas para aquellos que cometen delitos graves, especialmente los reincidentes.
Pero sin abordar los problemas de salud mental en rápido crecimiento; identificación, tratamiento y acceso a la atención, los problemas mencionados solo continuarán creciendo. Debemos proporcionar más recursos para los servicios de salud mental y los programas de tratamiento de adicciones para ayudar a aquellos que luchan con estos problemas. Deberíamos incentivar a aquellos que buscan trabajar en la industria de la salud mental, ya que estamos gravemente faltos de personal y escasos de recursos. Creo que una sociedad saludable muestra compasión por aquellos que están luchando, y la salud mental no es una excepción.
Big tech companies such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter hold significant power and influence in the marketplace and in society. As your Congressman, I will fight for an "Internet Bill of Rights" that provides protections to internet users to guarantee certain basic rights. This bill will include:
1. Privacy: The individual person will retain full ownership of their own personal information online, including the ability to restrict data collection and to be informed about how personal data is being used.
2. Free speech: The fundamental right to personal expression without fear of censorship or retaliation, while also taking into account the responsibility to prevent online harassment and violation of our national laws.
3. Access: The right to access and use the internet without discrimination, censorship, or restrictions, and to ensure that all individuals have equal opportunity to participate in the digital world.
4. Due process: The right to fair and transparent procedures when it comes to the enforcement of laws or regulations related to the internet, including the ability to legally challenge decisions that affect one's online rights.
We are still in the development stage of our digital lives and our laws must evolve over time to address additional concerns as new issues arise.
I have said repeatedly, if the Biden administration does not begin to tackle inflation it will lead our economy into recession, but hiking taxes during a recession is flat out dangerous policy for our Country. Numerous large companies continue to announce thousands of layoffs. This is the result of the intense inflation Americans have endured during this administration and the policies they have enacted.
We need to work together to address the underlying issues that are causing inflation starting with allowing for the domestic production of oil, which would lower overall cost for most consumer goods and slow down inflation quickly. When I am elected, I will push for common sense solutions that lower the cost of the supply chain and unleash the power of the American economy to help all citizens of our district and our country. I will support pro-growth strategies that allow us to pay down the federal debt, meet our obligations while protecting our seniors (Social Security and Medicare) and helping future generations live the American dream. I will always put people over politics and lead with compassion - not ideology.
An "all of the above" approach for energy independence is a vital strategy for ensuring that the United States has access to a reliable and diverse energy supply. This includes:Nuclear Power:
1. Nuclear power is a clean and efficient source of energy that can help reduce our dependence on foreign and even domestic oil.
2. Building and Revitalizing Oil Refineries: The last oil refinery built in America was in 1976 - nearly 50 years ago. Building new and upgrading existing facilities will increase domestic production of oil and gas and create jobs in the energy sector.
3. Environmental Energy Sources: Investing in alternative energy sources like hydro, solar and wind power, as well as in research and development of new technologies, utilizes the power Earth has given us while providing cleaner fuel options and reduces dependency on oil.
The United States must remain a leader in the global energy market.
To do this, we must take a common-sense approach to this problem. Creating real, life-impacting change takes teamwork and the willingness to listen to others. In the end, we must do the right thing – not the easy thing.